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Forum moderator: Ovidyu  
OvidyuDate: Wednesday, 2020-03-18, 2:53 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 21
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Farming Simulator 19 introduces a lot of new things compared to the previous installments of the series. Many elements of mechanics have also been changed: some machines work differently, some processes are subject to different operating rules. If you are a veteran of the series, below you will find the most important information about what you should pay attention to in this part of the game:

  • Many machines can be combined: look for e.g. cultivators with 3-point connections behind them or hooks for attaching a trailer
  • Every new field you create needs to be fertilized with lime for the first time. You must use it (you can turn it off in the game options) on your fields every third sowing and harvest to maintain a high quality level of the field - otherwise the harvest will be 15% lower. You can buy lime in the shop or get it from a collection point; there are two machines that can be found in the Fertilizer Technology tab in the shop (they can also be used for spreading solid manure).

  • Weeds will appear periodically on the fields. To get rid of them, use weeders or chemical spraying that destroys unfriendly plants (weeds can be destroyed before the crop; unremoved weeds reduce the harvest by 20%). You can turn off weeds in the game options.

  • You can now empty everything to the ground: the contents of seeders, grains and other things. To collect them later, simply use any loader.

  • You're the one responsible for buying buildings now: Do you want to have a pig farm next to the potato field? No problem.
  • The possibility of sleeping has been introduced: build a farm where you can sleep.
  • The importance of transport has been emphasized. You can't teleport vehicles or buy seeds/fertilizers at collection points. Use semi-trailers to transport pallets or seed and fertilizer from pallets (purchased in the store) directly to your fields so you don't have to return to the store to fill the machine tanks.
  • You can buy all the things you need for husbandry in the shop: fodder, bales of hay, silage or straw.
    Two new types of cultivating/ploughing machines have been introduced:

  • Disc harrows- they are characterized by a much lower tractor load during work, it is worth taking an interest in them when you can't afford strong tractors.

  • Subsoilers- you can use them just like a regular plough - plough the field periodically and use them when planting root crops. They have a negligible load on the tractor and work quickly, and you can connect some models of planters and seeders (with 3-point connection) directly.

  • Power Harrows- a lightweight cultivator, to which some seeders and cultivators can be connected.

    MapsThe basic version of Farming Simulator 19 enables the player to use two maps as starting locations:

  • Ravenport- this is a map in a climate straight from the United States. It is mostly characterized by large arable fields, lush vegetation characteristic for the USA, as well as other elements of the environment: buildings, vehicles.
  • Felsbrunn- this map represents Germany. Mountainous landscapes and predominantly coniferous trees are ideal for felling. You'll often encounter difficult terrain here: tight plots of land surrounded by boulders or located on steep slopes.

    MultiplayerFarming Simulator 19 features a multiplayer mode. You can play games on the server for up to 16 people. You can create your own server or join one of the existing ones. If your computer or bandwidth is too weak, you can rent a server "from outside": GIANTS offers the option of renting dedicated servers; there are also many other places that offer servers and support.
  • In order to use the online mode on Steam, you must be Online: this prevents you from sharing games with others and playing online games together.

  • The game does not have a split-screen mode,
  • The game does not have a LAN mode: the only connection is via the network (the server you create on your own computer connects to the game manufacturer's server).

    DLCs and mods

    Numerous DLCs are planned, which will enhance Farming Simulator 19 with many extras: new maps, machines, tractors and other elements.

    It is also possible to create and install mods. They will be available for download directly from the game menu, through the so-called modhub, where you can search, download and install mods. They can also be used in multiplayer mode as long as other users also have them.


    In Farming Simulator 19 the player can grow plants such as: wheat, rye, oats, barley, rapeseed, corn, sunflower, soya, potatoes, sugar beet, sugar cane, cotton, poplar for chips and trees. In addition, you can also produce straw and grass, from which you can obtain hay and silage.

    You can breed the following animals: hens (produce eggs), pigs (provide manure), sheep (provide wool), cows (milk and manure) and horses that require your attention and work to increase their endurance and sell profitably.
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